Some Playgrounds
2013.12.16 mon. - 2014.2.28 fri.
Cafe 104.5 is pleased to announce “Some Playgrounds”, a solo exhibition by Aquiles Hadjis, presenting a combination of his object-based, painting and drawing works.
Some Playgrounds プレイグラウンド
アキレス・ハッジスはヴェネズエラに生まれ、現在は東京で音楽と美術を横断するユニークな活動を展開するアーティストです。「プレイグラウンド」では、ギターピックを模したオブジェ作品を中心に、紙に描かれた数々のドローイング作品と日本画を現代的に発展させた技法による大型絵画を展示し、音楽と美術のつながりをテーマとした空間づくりを行います。最新作であり日本初公開となるこのオブジェ作品は、フランシスコ・タレガのギター独奏曲 『アルハンブラの思い出』とタンゴ黎明期の作品『場末のメロディ』から題を取り、様々なスポーツの「グラウンド」をコンクリートと木を用いてギターのピックガードの形へと再現したものです。ギタリストの爪跡を刻むピックガードをスポーツプレイヤーたちの足跡を刻む「グラウンド」に見立てたこの作品は、音楽という儚い移ろいと美術という静かな永遠をともに重ね合わせた「プレイ・グラウンド」といえるでしょう。
Born in Venezuela and now based in Tokyo, Aquiles Hadjis has developed a unique and eclectic body of work that crosses over the boundaries of music and the visual arts. In exploration of the deep connection between music and image-making , “Some Playgrounds” features a number of his stark drawings on paper, as well as paintings made with his contemporary interpretation of Nihonga techniques. It is also the Japanese debut of two of his most recent series, miniature recreations of various sports playing fields in the shape of various electric guitar pickguards, in two linked series whose titles are taken from a classical solo-guitar piece “Recuerdos de la Alhambra” and an early tango, “Melodia de Arrabal”. Executed in wood and cast concrete and revealing an affinity between pickguards and sports grounds through both being gradually scratched by the players’ traces, the object works will present ‘Some Playgrounds’ that overlap the ephemeral fleetingness of music and the quiet eternality of art.
Aquiles Hadjis アキレス・ハッジス
Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1981. His work uses the means of free improvisation as an approach to sound and image making through the thinking frame of drawing. What constitutes a drawing, what can drawing become and the way drawing can imbue an object with life are some of the most important questions inside his research.
©Aquiles Hadjis